Music at OCC

Worship is simply giving God the worth that He is due. We are to glorify God in all that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). For instance, on a Sunday morning we consider everything that takes place during the service to be worship – the sermon, communion, giving, music, fellowship…even the announcements. Worship should also happen outside the church walls so that we’re doing all things for the glory of God. However, we believe that there is essential value in coming together as God’s people to worship alongside one another.

Music is one of our primary expressions to express our love for God and to receive His word. (Colossians 3:16)

Our music is:
The message of the gospel is clear. Is there enough gospel-truth in the lyrics for people to be saved? We sing about the gospel every time we gather.

Teaching Focused
Lyrics point to who God is and what He’s done. We ask ourselves when evaluating songs, “If these lyrics are sung, will they help people understand a little more about God’s nature, glory, and works – even if no sermon is taught?”

Musically Relevant
We are not beholden to any one style of music. Whether it is a 200 year old hymn or a song written today, we tend to sing in styles that will help us emotionally connect with the truth. Our emotion is always informed by truth.

Spotify List

If you would like to know the types of songs that are regularly featured in our worship services. We have a Spotify list that you can access by clicking here.

John Park is our Deacon of music. Feel free to direct any questions you have to him.